Our Team

Helen Chen, MSc
Founder & Instructor

From a young age, I learned about the importance of learning in and out of the formal classroom from my family. Now with my own children, I am even more aware of the need to foster curiosity and skills for knowledge exploration. I am passionate about helping people to achieve more through high-quality learning experiences. I feel so fortunate to work with a group of like-minded educators to create programs that engage students and inspire them to pursue their dreams.

As an ex-Imagineer, I helped to implement new technologies and processes for Disney's theme park design and construction, and studied how different infrastructure systems could be integrated for a more sustainable urban future. The most rewarding and fun part for me was the annual internship program where we tackled challenging questions about sustainability and the urban experience.

I hold an MS and BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. I have also spent a year at the School of City and Regional Planning at Georgia Institute of Technology where I studied how urban form can contribute to an active, healthy lifestyle.

Cheryl Chi, PhD
Course Designer and Instructor

Dr. Cheryl Chi is a former professor turned Imagineer. When she was teaching at Tongji University in Shanghai, Cheryl turned previously bland, introductory courses into the most popular courses in the major. For her course design and delivery expertise, she won a teaching award from a university-wide competition. Years later, her students still love and respect her, remembering her for the genuine concern for their learning journey, and for her unwavering determination to uphold principles and values.

Cheryl earned her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Master of Science in Project Management from Stanford University. She studied how complex infrastructure projects were organized and delivered in Taiwan and mainland China. Cheryl also holds an MBA and a civil engineering degree from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. In the past few years, she has been developing strategies to leverage novel digital tools and to improve project organization and processes in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. She is passionate about developing high performing, multi-disciplinary, multicultural teams in international projects.

Want to collaborate?

Get in touch to discuss the potentials for co-developing a course offering for your community.